
Immunity Boost Plus Pack: Set of 4


Having a strong and healthy immune system should always be a priority, but what do you do when you feel worn down, start to get sick, will be traveling,attending a large event, or going through stressful life events? For those times, when you need additional fast-acting immune support, we recommend you use Immunity Boost Plus Pack for a few days.

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Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement for adults, take 1 pack daily at the first signs of weakened immune system and continue until you are feeling better.
Caution: If you have any questions, are pregnant or breast feeding, please consult your healthcare provider before taking.

“I was really struggling with pneumonia for SEVERAL weeks and it looked as though hospitalization was eminent. Fortunately I got a supply of Immunity Boost and within three days ALL of the pneumonia was GONE. My doctor was amazed at the rapid turnaround and I am thrilled at how much healthier I feel now. “


Immunity Boost Mega Blend

We have included in this pack 2 of the Immunity Boost capsules.  The 12 ingredients in this Mega Blend will help to stimulate your immune system and fortify it’s defense against the bug you caught.

Limitless Vitality Mega Blend

We have included in this pack 1 of the Limitless Vitality capsules.  This is to help with the fatigue you may be feeling as you fight off the seasonal flu or cold you are battling.

Vitamin C

We have included in this pack a vitamin C capsule.  Vitamin C works to treat common colds and viruses by shortening the duration of symptoms and to protect from further complications.

Black Garlic

This pack includes a capsule of black garlic.  Black garlic is rich in amino acids and antioxidants, has reduced odor and taste issues, and is a major immune booster. This antimicrobial agent is very effective in fighting infections, colds, viruses, fungus and many others.